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Before you start installing Pestan PP-R and PPR-CT pipes and fittings for the transport of fluids under pressure both in the household and in the industrial sector apply,
PP‑R, PP‑RCT wykazują bardzo wysoką odporność na tem-peraturę. Przy stałym obciążeniu temperaturą 70°C eks-trapolowana trwałość rur PP‑R wynosi 50 lat. PP‑RCT jest materiałem o jeszcze lepszych właściwosciach wytrzymało-ściowych niz PP‑R. Szczegółowe informacje o odporności
PP pipe systems, fittings and valvesen - material for use at higher temperatures, high mechanical strength, good chemical resistance and physiological harmlessness.
DACTA Therm (PP-R) is suitable for use in central cooling systems and is ideal for transporting both hot and cold water in a variety of building systems as well as industrial and marine applications.
PP-R material, which is created by the new polymerization process, taking into account the heat resistance of PP-H and the low-temperature impact properties of PP-B, is suitable for the manufacture of hot and cold water supply pipeline system inside the building.
PP-H has the highest crystallinity and therefore the highest hardness, tensile strength and stiffness, so the pipes hardly sag and a greater distance between supports is possible . PP-R has a very good long-term creep strength at higher temperatures, such as, for example, 80°C at continuous stress .
• GF Aquasystem PP-R Piping Systems are produced in 6 different types depending upon the areas of use and customer expectations: - PP-R Standard Piping Systems (PN10-PN16-PN20) - PP-R Glass Fiber Reinforced Piping Systems (PN20-PN25) - PP-R Glass Fiber Reinforced Climafaser Piping Systems (PN10)