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Map multiple locations from Excel (xls) spreadsheet data on a custom google map. Create free customized Google maps. View maps on Mobile, Tablet, and Computers. Easily create a map in seconds.
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Map multiple locations from Excel (xls) spreadsheet data on...
- Features
Some of features available on EasyMapMaker are: Color...
- Pricing
Free: $29 per month: $59 per month: $99 per month: Geo-code...
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Contact the EasyMapMaker team with requests, questions,...
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Create Map (14) Free maps pin accuracy ; Number pins and...
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EasyMapMaker Premium and Business signup allows for poster...
- Nearby (Radius) Filter
Data can be filtered by using a radius from a certain...
- Number Your Pins
Add pin numbers to your custom Google Map. There is an...
- Sign In is a custom map creator to pin multiple locations and map your spreadsheet with our online mapping software
Online maps to pin multiple locations. Create map from a spreadsheet, plot map locations for your next trip, secure SSL, fast and reliable, lots of cool icons to pin the map.
Drop pins on your map one-by-one or plot pins in bulk by uploading a spreadsheet. Get started today with Mapline Mapping to upload up to 500 locations for free. Add territories to your map by drawing them or importing them from Mapline’s extensive library. Mapline’s territory library includes zip code boundaries, counties, and more.
Over a billion locations pinned! Create a map from location list, crowd source, spreadsheets, etc. Publish, share interactive maps. Mapping of radius, administrative, and other regions. Map images.
Create a map with pins with graphical inteface. Visualize places on the map and information about them. Add pictures and video.
You can pin multiple locations on a map for free with this tool. Easily mark cities and countries, and share your map pins on social media.