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yt_downloader - PHP class to download videos from YouTube and/or convert them to mp3 audio files. This PHP class takes a YouTube URL (or YouTube Video-ID) and downloads the video to your computer. Optionally, you can convert any YouTube video to an MP3 Audio file (requires ffmpeg to be installed!).
I'm looking to convert a youtube video to mp3 and download it directly to visitor's / user's computer. The conversion and downloading to the server is pretty easy using a command like that: youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 [video]
Create a library that delivers data and download links for youtube videos. Create a UI for downloading the videos. Have no external dependencies to other services.
Download youtube videos as mp3 with using EXAMPLE URL : EXAMPLE URL ID : ydRAb9cwHnA $MP3 = new youtubemp3("ydRAb9cwHnA"); $MYFILE = $MP3->convert(); Optional data ( Never use with download function! ) print_r($MYFILE->fileInfo); $MYFILE->download(); tadaaa! Your MP3 file downloaded...
Chyba jednym z najpopularniejszych serwisów oferujących takiego typu usługi jest strona Dodatkowo dla każdej z przeglądarek są odpowiednie wtyczki umożliwiające ściąganie filmów w określonych formatach. Przykładem np. Easy Youtube Video Downloader (Firefox), YouTube Downloader (Opera), Chrome YouTube Downloader i tak dalej.
This Script is easy to use and will let you download MP3s from any YouTube video....
17 gru 2013 · So i want to download youtubevideos as mp3 to my server, so i can listen them easily as mp3. I have some ecperience in PHP, and second to none in youtube API, but if i have understood correctly youtubevideos are loaded in chunks, and 1 of them is the mp3 soundtrack of the video.