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  1. 6 gru 2016 · In the “Enter Phase-noise Data” tab, enter at least two phase-noise data points (in dBc/Hz) including offset frequencies (in Hz). You may optionally enter spurious noise (in dBc) and their related offset frequencies (in Hz).

  2. Phase noise is defined as the ratio of the noise in a 1-Hz bandwidth at a specified frequency offset, fm, to the oscillator signal amplitude at frequency fO. The sampling process is basically a multiplication of the sampling clock and the analog input signal.

  3. This application note starts with a brief theoretical overview of phase noise and methods of phase noise measurement, and then focuses on practical phase noise measurement recommendations such as properly connecting a signal under test to the instrument, setting up the phase noise analyzer, and choosing appropriate settings.

  4. Jitter and phase noise are some of the key performance parameters of oscillators and other clocking products. With some TI oscillators offering RMS jitter near 100 fs, advanced measurement techniques and equipment can be required to accurately measure device performance.

  5. Noise - Jitter design tool is available here . 1. "Phase Noise - RF & Microwave Phase Noise Measurement Seminar", Hewlett Packard, 1985. 2. "Integrated Phase Noise", application note AN256, Silicon Labs, 2010. 3. "Specifying Local Oscillator Phase Noise Performance: How good is good enough?", Robert Gilmore, Qualcomm Inc. 4.

  6. Applications with the most stringent requirements almost always specify maximum Time Interval Error (TIE) jitter and phase noise, and may include requirements for period jitter and cycle-to-cycle jitter as well. TIE jitter and phase noise measurements require an ideal clock to compare against.

  7. 10 gru 2004 · Find Maxim's design notes on clock (CLK) jitter, signal quality and phase-noise. Find out how to measure phase noise and phase noise to jitter conversion.

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