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16 lip 2015 · Insidious suggests a lying in wait or a gradualness of effect or approach and applies especially to devious and carefully masked underhandedness. Pernicious is more often applied to things that harm exceedingly or irrepairably by evil or by insidious corrupting. (excerpts from MW dictionary of synonyms)
Enjoy the best online collection of Pride and Prejudice Marriage Quotes by Jane Austen at AllGreatQuotes. Share with your friends.
Below you will find the important quotes in Pride and Prejudice related to the theme of Marriage. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. Unlock explanations and citation info for this and every other Pride and Prejudice quote. Plus so much more...
Both Pernicious and Insidious share the common meaning of someone or something operating to cause harm, in a hidden manner, often gradually and apparently innocuously.
She sees love as irrelevant to a marriage and believes that a woman ought to limit her intimacy with her husband in order to avoid the inevitable disappointments. This indicates that Charlotte sees a husband as a commodity or means to an end.
Pride and Prejudice Quotes About Marriage. Contrary to popular belief, marriages in the 18th century did consider love — though, it was definitely unequal! Men could propose to the woman of her choice, however women could not just accept anyone without their approval of their fathers. #21: Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance.
I think of pernicious as being subtle negative effects (not always noticed at first) and insidious as gradually increasing negative effects. In my experience, insidious is used more often.