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16 sty 2024 · Joan Collins has been happily married to her fifth husband Percy Gibson for over two decades. The Dynasty star met the producer, who is 32 years her junior, in 2000 while working on the play...
30 lis 2022 · Joan ma 89 lat (w maju przyszłego roku skończy 90), zaś jej mąż Percy Gibson – 57. Nikt nie dawał im szansy, a żyją razem długo i szczęśliwie, lockdown jeszcze umocnił ich więź. Jaka jest ich recepta na tak zwany niesymetryczny wiekowo związek, dlaczego Joan Collins znalazła szczęście dopiero u boku piątego męża?
22 lis 2023 · Joan Collins often speaks very fondly of her beloved fifth husband Percy Gibson. The couple celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary in 2022, with Hollywood producer Percy, 58, being 32 years...
14 paź 2024 · Actress Joan Collins paid tribute to her husband Percy Gibson to mark his birthday on Monday. In honour of the special occasion, the Dynasty actress shared a romantic snapshot on Instagram...
Joan Collins on lust, keeping her looks and making sure she dies with dignity Joan Collins Caroline Flack, Harry Styles and other celebrity couples with big age gaps
23 lis 2023 · Collins recently shared her love story with Gibson, 58, in a new memoir, "Behind the Shoulder Pads: Tales I Tell My Friends." It details her decades-long career in Hollywood. Critics have...
Percy Gibson was born in 1965 in Peru. He is a producer and actor, known for Murder Between Friends, The Time of Their Lives (2017) and Banksy's Coming for Dinner (2009). He has been married to Joan Collins since 17 February 2002.