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  1. Example 1: The 75th percentile, P 75, is found as follows: L 75 = (7+1) 75 100 = (8) 0:75 = 6 A WHOLE NUMBER 1 7 12 12 151519 Since 15 is the 6th element, then P 75 = 15. Example 2: The 30th percentile, P 30, is found as follows: L 30 = (7+1) 30 100 = (8) 0:3 = 2:4 = 2 + 0.4 A DECIMAL NUMBER # # 2nd 40% of the way from element the 2nd to 3rd ...

  2. One way of comparing scores is to use Percentile Rank, or the percentage of scores that fall below a particular score. Thus, in the above examples the first scenario is only the 25th percentile while the second scenario is the 75th percentile. The higher the percentile rank the better!

  3. Calculate the values of the three quartiles and the interquartile range. Find the percentile rank of 32.

  4. Calculate a given percentile and interpercentile range for a frequency table with ungrouped data. A percentile shows the value below which a certain percent of observations are. Example: If the 70th percentile of an exam score is 53, that means 70% of all test takers scored a 53 or lower. The range of observations between two given percentiles.

  5. A percentile can be (1) calculated directly for values that actually exist in the distribution, or (2) interpolated for values that don’t exist (but which you may want to use to plot specific kinds of graphs, for example).

  6. Percentiles are mostly used when working with large data sets (data sets with over 100 values) in order to give particular values a standardized ranking compared to others. That is why they are particularly useful on large standardized tests where many thousands of scores are recorded.

  7. Percentiles are positional measures used to indicate the position of an individual in a group. Percentiles are often used in education and health­related fields. For example in test scores, height and weight. Percentiles are NOT the same as Percentages.

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