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  1. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention.

  2. MAGICapp untuk memudahkan pengguna menemukan pedoman-pedoman pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi (PPI) dalam situasi COVID-19 yang terus berubah. Edisi ini memperti mbangkan situasi epidemiologis yang terus berubah, termasuk munculnya variant of concern (VoC) Omicron.

  3. In line with its general mandate (Articles 2, 23 of the Constitution) and the IHR (Article 13), the WHO issues a wide range of guidance addressed to government authorities, health workers and other stakeholders dealing with the COVID-19 emergency.

  4. 22 lip 2020 · The COVID-19 Law Lab is a database of laws that countries have implemented in response to the pandemic. It includes state of emergency declarations, quarantine measures, disease surveillance, legal measures relating to mask-wearing, social distancing, and access to medication and vaccines.

  5. This article provides a preliminary analysis on how the global health crisis has affected the state of democracy and the rule of law. While the specific examples are drawn from across the globe to highlight common trends and concerns, specific highlight is given to the EU and its Member States.

  6. The law plays a critical role in preventing and mitigating health consequences of emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic in two important ways: 1. it establishes the institutional structures and formal processes through which governments respond to disease outbreaks; and

  7. The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging governments around the world to manage, coordinate and expand the key building blocks of a well-functioning health system. At both global and local levels, the law is a powerful tool for advancing the right to health and addressing public health emergencies.

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