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17 lis 2024 · Typically, PCP effects last between 4 to 6 hours, though this can vary significantly based on dosage, method of administration, and individual factors like metabolism. Smoking or injecting the drug leads to faster, often more intense effects.
Produced in collaboration with the RCMP, Sûreté du Québec, Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and Health Canada, the chart identifies drug types, including common street names, effects, and methods of use and detection.
About opioids, including the effects, risks of problematic use, preventing harm, and how to get help. PCP Also known as "angel dust," causes detachment from reality, may lead to risk-taking behaviours.
The effects of PCP depend on how you take it. If you swallow it, the severity of effects depends on the amount of food in your stomach. If you smoke or snort it, PCP enters your bloodstream and brain rapidly causing immediate effects.
Use the map to find supervised consumption sites and services in communities across the country. Find out what you need before you apply, download the application form, and what happens once your application is submitted. List of authorized sites offering services and status of open applications.
PCP is one of the most dangerous drugs in existence. Varying and sporadic intoxication from PCP for days, weeks and even months after last use have been documented in people who abuse PCP. It can cause permanent physical and psychological damage.
High doses: blocks the reuptake of monoamines (noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin) and the release of catecholamines (effect similar to amphetamines). Routes of administration: Ingested, smoked (added to herbs or marijuana in a cigarette), snorted and injected.