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  1. Jābirian Alchemy (A Translation of the Introduction and Chapter One, Section One of Jābir Ibn ayyān: Contribution to the History of Scientific Ideas in Islam: Jābir and Greek Science) 1 Paul Kraus (Translated from French by Keven Brown) Introduction The first volume of this work was devoted to the study of literary problems arising from the ...

  2. The content, produced by Paul Kraus and other scholars, includes notes, letters, drafts, offprints, transcriptions, translations, bibliographies, and handwritten copies of manuscripts. It ranges in date from 1913-1996, with the bulk dating from 1931-1943 and a large amount of undated material.

  3. Paul Kraus Papers, Subject Catalog, by David C. Reisman and Cara Lia Sargent 5 Ibn Abi al-Ash’ath. Notes on his Kitab al-Nawm [notebook Samaw’al, 215] B13, F3 Ibn Bibi. Empty notebook entitled “Ibn bibi 227, 292” B19, F7 Ikhwan al-Safa’. Notes, divided thematically [notebook Ihwan as-Safa’, 282] B18, F1-3 India and Islam.

  4. Paul Kraus (1904-1944) was a many-talented historian of medieval Arabie scienee who wrote an infiuential work on J8bir ibn I,Iayyan (the Latin «Geber») and the medieval alchemieal tradition, two volumes of

  5. Series I, Numbered Notebooks, contains content written by Paul Kraus and other scholars, including notes, letters, drafts, offprints, transcriptions, translations, bibliographies, and handwritten copies of manuscripts.

  6. Topics covered include Arabic literature, Islamic philosophy, Arab medicine, and Muslim scholarship. The offprints were originally collected by Paul Kraus, an Arabist born in Praugue in 1904. Kraus was educated in Europe and spent several years in Cairo and the Middle East before his death in 1944.

  7. Eliezer Paul Kraus, 11 December 1904 – 10 or 12 October 1944, was a Jewish Arabist born in Prague. He is the author of a number of seminal works on early Arabic philosophy , with a special focus on Arabic alchemy and chemistry .

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