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  1. 2 cze 2019 · In this chapter, (i) dementia disease, its pathophysiology, pharmacotherapy, and brain barriers are briefly defined, (ii) formulations, production technologies, and characterization of solid...

  2. Our PDF resources can be printed or emailed directly to those affected by Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. Some resources are also available in Spanish. To download additional resources, visit our Publications page. Select materials are available at a fourth-grade reading level upon request. If interested, please contact

  3. › geriatric-medicine › aging-successfullySAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY

    Spanish version by: Oscar A Cepeda MD. Fellow Geriatric Medicine. Saint Louis University, School of Medicine. Modified by: Dulce M Cruz, MD. Fellow Geriatric Medicine, Saint Louis University, School of Medicine, Yerania Rodríguez Navedo, MD. Internal Medicine Resident. UPR School f Medicine and Juan Rosado, MD. Geriatrician, UPR School f Medicine.

  4. Each section of this resource has a Spanish interpretation available, following each specific form, for availability and ease in understanding. Use the memory book to help you remember. Ask for help in using it. Write down what to remember. Look at the memory book often. Use el libro de memoria para recordar. Pida ayuda para usarlo.

  5. La demencia es un término amplio (tipo “paraguas”) para los cambios en la memoria, el pensamiento o la razón de un individuo. Hay muchas posibles causas de demencia, incluyendo el Alzheimer. La enfermedad de Alzheimer es la causa más común de la demencia.

  6. Tome un taller gratuito en español en línea en Conozca las 10 Señales De Advertencia: La Detección Temprana es Importante. Lo Básico: La Pérdida de Memoria, La Demencia, y La Enfermedad de Alzheimer. Conéctese con otras personas.

  7. Explore our specially curated activity packs of printable PDF worksheets, thoughtfully designed to support individuals with Dementia, Parkinson's, and Stroke. Handpicked with love, our 330 printable worksheets for dementia are more than just paper.

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