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Then we open the door for Elijah the Prophet who comes to visit every Seder in the whole world! We sing songs of praise for the great miracles G‑d performed for the Jewish people, and finish by drinking the final cup of wine. 15. Nirtzah Accepted! Now that we’ve completed the Seder properly, G‑d has surely accepted our prayers!
Feeling lost at the Seder? Kids to the rescue! Watch and enjoy! From our Seder to yours. Happy Passover! by Levi ...
Passover Seder. This Friday evening, our Jewish brothers and sisters will be taking part in the Passover Seder. The ritual meal recounts the liberation of the Hebrew people from Egyptian bondage. By taking part in the Seder, the Jewish people complete the command to:
29 mar 2017 · Practice up with this karaoke video and have a great Pesach! The video was made possible with generous support from The Koret Foundation, as part of their Initiative on Jewish Peoplehood. --...
Experience the miraculous exodus of the Jewish people out of the mighty Egyptian empire—in a unique, fun-filled (and educational) style! A fun art video on how to make a beautiful Passover painting of the three matzahs and four cups of wine, with the Splitting of the Sea as the background.
This melody sung in two parts, celebrates the Exodus from Egypt and is sung with great joy and enthusiasm, particularly during the Passover holidays
A Catholic family can enter more deeply into the Triduum during Holy Week by having a seder meal, similar to the Last Supper that Jesus would have celebrated with his Apostles.