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  1. › pl-PL › merchants-and-restaurantsYelp Partnership - Uber Help

    For specific Yelp issues, we’d encourage you to contact Yelp directly. Feel welcome to browse Yelp’s Support Center, or if you’d like to talk to someone at Yelp, please go to, or call 1- (855) 380-9357.

  2. For specific Yelp issues, we’d encourage you to contact Yelp directly. Feel welcome to browse Yelp’s Support Center, or if you’d like to talk to someone at Yelp, please go to , or call 1-(855) 380-9357.

  3. Dowiedz się, jak współpraca firmy Uber ze sprzedawcami wpływa na lokalne społeczności i gospodarkę. Firma Uber współpracuje ze sprzedawcami i dostawcami w celu zmniejszenia ilości odpadów opakowaniowych z tworzyw sztucznych i emisji. *Stan na kwiecień 2024 r.

  4. Reach new customers by listing your business on the Uber Eats marketplace with flexible options for delivery, self-delivery, and pickup. Easily integrate your existing POS. Offer fast and reliable local delivery through your own website, app, and phone channels by using Uber Direct, our white-label delivery-as-a-service.

  5. To contact Uber Support 24/7 or report a safety incident: Call 1-833-ASK-EATS; Email; If you would like to chat with Support through Uber Eats Manager: Sign in to your Uber Eats Manager account with your username and password; A chat bubble will appear and stores can start a conversation

  6. Setting up your business to capture more reviews from platforms like Google, Yelp, Facebook, and Uber Eats is only half the battle. The other half is managing and leveraging reviews to improve your reputation and acquire more customers.

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