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This is a simple pace-maker project that utilizes an ATtiny85. It is only halfway finished at the moment. Start by acquiring a vibration motor and the Makerfocus MAX30102 heartrate sensor, and connecting them to an Arduino Uno. Google pinouts for each part to get an idea of how to connect them.
Pacemakers have two main functions: sensing and pacing. Sensing refers to the ability of the pacemaker to detect the electrical activity of the heart. The pacemaker uses sensors (electrodes) to monitor the heart's electrical activity and determine whether the heart is beating at a normal rate.
There is one basic interval connecting 2 consecutive events, pacing or sensing: AA or VV. There are two basic transitions, or pacing events that cause the basic interval to be reset (reinitiated). If the interval times out, a stimulus is released, and the interval starts over.
Pacemakers can be programmed to pace and to sense in a bipolar mode (lead tip to lead ring) or a unipolar mode (lead tip to pulse generator). Bipolar sensing is preferred due to its smaller sensing “antenna,” which minimizes oversensing of extracardiac signals.
VVI mode delivers ventricular pacing at the programmed lower pacing rate, with inhibition when intrisic ventricular events are sensed. Only the ventricle is sensed and after every sensed event, the lower pacing rate interval resets.
Here are examples of various modes and when they are applicable: AOO, asynchronously paces the atrium. Used when the AV node is intact, and either atrial sensing is unreliable/absent or when it is an emergency setting. DOO, asynch pacing of atria and ventricles. Same indications as VOO, used if they have A and V wires.
6 paź 2024 · Pacing Modes – Advantages and Disadvantages. MODES. AAI. atrial pacing and sensing; if no electrical impulse sensed then pacemaker will pace @ a pre-programmed rate; if electrical impulse sensed then pacing inhibited; VVI. ventricular pacing and sensing; if no electrical impulse sensed then pacemaker will pace @ a pre-programmed rate