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OU IT provides this service for FREE to all Norman, OKC, and Tulsa campus faculty, staff, and students. Canvas can be accessed via Canvas course sites are available for every course in the OU catalog. Course access is initially restricted to Instructors of Record and enrolled students.
Windows operating systems are available for purchase separately from Microsoft and other retailers. Windows 10 is available as a free download for OU Students here; The minimum system requirements for installing and using VMware Fusion 10 with Metal Host Graphics Rendering Engine are as follows: Hardware requirements: MacBook (early 2015 or newer)
Sign in to Canvas using your OU Email or OUNetID. Forgot password? Forgot OUNetID? New to OU? Setup your OU account. Having trouble signing in? Let us help!
Ensure your Canvas Success by reviewing features and tips to help you prepare for your classes. Click the button below to download the Getting Started with Canvas for Students PDF.
Please use the links below to access software previously provided through the ONE U Store site: Free Software Downloads. OU Report It!
Add all course content in Modules including Canvas assignments, quizzes, and discussions! Structure course content by day, week, unit, or topic. Modules help simplify student navigation through a course and ensure a sequential flow of content. → Tips for how to build a course using Modules from Canvas. → How do I add course content as ...
Click the links to helpful Canvas articles containing the most recent documentation, including images and detailed instructions. To get started, log into Canvas at with your OU credentials.