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  1. provide you with some helpful hints on how to select an oscilloscope with the appropriate bandwidth for both your digital and analog applications. But first, let’s define oscilloscope bandwidth.

  2. Introduction. Bandwidth is the specification that most engineers consider first when they select an oscilloscope. In this application note we will provide you some helpful hints on how to select an oscilloscope with the appropriate bandwidth for both your digital and analog applications.

  3. How much bandwidth does your oscilloscope really need? Learn how to choose the correct bandwidth oscilloscope for your application. Choose a country or area to see content specific to your location

  4. Sampling, Memory Depth, and Bandwidth Abstract Oscilloscope memory depth and sampling rate problems. Sampling rate, memory depth, and bandwidth are interrelated. It is necessary to understand how they work together if the oscilloscope is to be used efficiently for debugging new projects.

  5. tolerances are a challenge for oscilloscopes so this steps through how to make accurate measurements. The last article is about how Rohde & Schwarz has expanded its high-performance R&S RTP oscilloscope family in terms of both bandwidth, and functions for debugging and analysis.

  6. Many oscilloscopes also use a DSP arbitrary equalization filter to extend the bandwidth of the instrument beyond the raw response of its front end by shaping the phase and magnitude response of the oscilloscope channel. However, these circuits require the sampling rate to satisfy Nyquist criteria — sampling rate must exceed twice the maximum

  7. bandwidth of the oscilloscope. If the signal going into the oscilloscope is being distorted by the probe, then it doesn't matter how much bandwidth the oscilloscope has or how good of an oscilloscope it is - you're going to end up with incorrect measurements.

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