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Measure 20-359 Explanatory Statement. The Lane County Charter can only be changed by the voters of Lane County. If passed, this ballot measure would change the charter by removing Section 32, which requires the use of complicated calculations based on budget information from 40 years ago to establish current spending limits.
Measure 20-359: repeal of limits on expenditures by Lane County which contains that no longer apply or are outdated.
10 paź 2024 · Measure on the ballot in the 2024 Oregon General Election in Lane County. View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.
Proposed Ballot Measure 20-359 If passed by voters, proposed Ballot Measure 20-359 would change the charter by removing Section 32, which requires the use of complicated calculations to establish current spending limits.
Ballot Title for Proposed Measure 20-359. CAPTION: REPEAL OF SECTION 32 OF LANE COUNTY CHARTER QUESTION: Shall Lane County repeal Section 32 of the Lane County Charter? SUMMARY: The proposed amendment would repeal Section 32 of the Lane County Charter, which imposes specific limits on annual County expenditures. State
Official guide to voting on candidates and ballot measures in the 2024 General Election in Oregon
Ballot Measure 20-360 would remove Section 33 from the Lane County Home Rule Charter. If voters do not pass the proposed measure, Section 33 will remain in the Lane County Home Rule Charter. To view the current Section 33 of the Lane County Home Rule Charter, please visit ProposedCharterMeasures2024