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A Sense of Freedom: Filmmaker and Teacher Bart Weiss Talks About his Book "Smartphone Cinema"
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The best movie reviews, in your inbox. Movie Reviews Roger's...
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Since he started as film critic for the Chicago Sun-Times in...
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The Best Movies and Mini-Series of 2024. The 2024 Oscar...
- Great Movies
One of the gifts a movie lover can give another is the title...
- Chaz's Journal
Chaz Ebert is touring with her new book, It's Time to Give a...
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Chaz Ebert. Chaz is the CEO of several Ebert enterprises,...
- Movie Reviews
Jako pierwszy amerykański krytyk został uhonorowany prestiżową nagrodą Pulitzera (w 1975 roku), otrzymał tytuł doktora honoris causa od American Film Institute; odebrał też kilka nagród przyznawanych przez polską publiczność.
Seems there are two kinds of film reviews: 1) the kind that's supposed to act as a sort of filter or consumer guide to let you know whether you're likely to enjoy a film or 2) a more in-depth critique that assumes the viewer has seen the film and goes into a more comprehensive analysis.
4 kwi 2013 · Werner Herzog was among Ebert's most celebrated filmmakers. In his review of Herzog's Aguirre, Wrath of God, he described the film as "one of the great haunting visions of the cinema"
23 wrz 2024 · Read Movie and TV reviews from Roger Ebert on Rotten Tomatoes, where critics reviews are aggregated to tally a Certified Fresh, Fresh or Rotten Tomatometer score.
4 lip 2014 · Reading Ebert’s passionate praise of exemplary filmmaking was a treat for readers, but his take-downs of the very worst of box offices provided another kind of joy. Here are seven of his most...
America's most influential and widely recognized film critic, Roger Ebert transported the movie review from the back of the newspaper into the living room, making film criticism a component of...