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Fresh seafood ingredients such as herring and salmon provide goldfish and koi with quality proteins that just don’t exist in fishmeal-based pond foods. These sticks are also rich in omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, which strengthens the immune system and encourages cell wall development.
Omega One® Floating Koi Sticks are made with Alaskan salmon and whole herring in a formula low in ash for cleaner water when used as directed. Contains salmon skins for vibrant fish colors! These sticks contain a variety of seafood proteins and nutritious fats to make a great daily diet for all pond fish.
23 paź 2012 · SUPERIOR QUALITY FORMULA: These Pond Sticks are 100% meal free and made with only the finest seafood ingredients. Fresh herring and salmon provide goldfish and koi with quality proteins that aren't present in fishmeal-based pond foods.
Buy Omega One Pond Sticks Goldfish & Koi Fish Food at FREE shipping and the BEST customer service!
23 paź 2012 · Omega One increases fish immunity. It is made directly from superfoods like salmon and herring, which are loaded with Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids provide energy and strengthen the delicate fish immune system, leading to decreased rates of disease and mortality.
Fresh seafood ingredients such as herring and salmon provide goldfish and koi with quality proteins that just don’t exist in fishmeal-based pond foods; Fresh natural fats for incredible appetite stimulation and energy; Rich in omega 3 & 6 HUFA's for healthy immune systems and long life
With fresh kelp and spirulina, Omega One Koi Sticks provide an incredibly nutritious, com Wild Alaskan salmon, among other nutritious seafoods, makes up a large part of this formula. Salmon skin contains an extremely high level of natural pigments, which will drastically increase color in koi and other ornamental fish.