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This form is used by U.S. passport holders to renew their current or recently expired U.S. passport book and/or card (a travel document attesting to one’s identity and issued to U.S. citizens or non-citizen U.S. nationals). This form can be submitted by mail.
Track application status online at Receive new passport and original supporting documents (that you submitted with your application). OMB Control No.: 1405-0160
Form Finder -- Passport Forms. If you are applying for a U.S. passport, use the Passport Form Filler to fill out our primary forms (DS-11, DS-82, DS-5504, and DS-64) online and print them. The Form Filler will save you time and reduce the chance of errors on your form.
expired U.S. passport book and/or card (a travel document attesting to one’s identity and issued to U.S. citizens or non-citizen U.S. nationals). This form can be submitted by mail. You are el. port was not limited to less than the normal ten-year validity period due to pas.
U.S. Department of State APPLICATION FOR A U.S. PASSPORT 0MB CONTROL NO. 1405-0004 EXPIRATION DATE: XX-XX-XXXX ESTIMATED BURDEN: 85 MINUTES This form is used to apply for a U.S. passport. For information or questions, visit the official Department of State website at or contact the National Passport Information Center (NPIC) at ...
APPLICATION FOR A U.S. PASSPORT OMB CONTROL NO. 1405-0004 EXPIRATION DATE: XX-XX-XXXX DS-11 XX-2020 This form is used to apply for a U.S. passport. For information or questions, visit the official Department of State website at or contact
Number OMB APPROVAL NO. 1405-0004 EXPIRATION DATE XX/XX/XXXX ESTIMATED BURDEN: See Instruction Page 3 ... APPLICATION FOR A US PASSPORT US DEPARTMENT OF STATE 17. Have you ever applied for or been issued a ... When completing this form, PRINT IN BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY. 1. Name of Applicant Last Suffix (Jr., Sr., ...