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Wyrostek tylny, większy, stanowi górne zakończenie kości i nazywa się wyrostkiem łokciowym (olecranon). Mniejszy, niżej położony i skierowany swym wierzchołkiem do przodu to wyrostek dziobiasty (processus coronoideus). Trzon kości łokciowej ma w przekroju poprzecznym kształt trójkątny.
Tłumaczenie 'Olecranon' na język polski w darmowym słowniku terminów anatomicznych polsko-łacińsko-angielskim
10 gru 2019 · In this review, we aim to evaluate the current evidence of the treatment of displaced olecranon fractures based on randomized controlled studies. Inclusion criteria for this review were based on PICOS framework (population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and studies) as follows:
14 sie 2023 · Summarize the diagnostic approach for an evaluation and assessment of a patient presenting with a potential olecranon fracture, including any indicated imaging studies. Outline the treatment options for olecranon fractures, depending on patient population and fracture severity grading.
The olecranon is a large, thick, curved eminence, situated at the upper and back part of the ulna. It is bent forward at the summit so as to present a prominent lip which is received into the olecranon fossa of the humerus in extension of the forearm.
18 kwi 2022 · The olecranon is a large bony prominence at the proximal end of the ulna. It is palpable at the posterior aspect of the elbow. The olecranon has a beak-like structure and is bent forwards into the olecranon fossa of the humerus during extension of the elbow.
We help you select the appropriate treatment of Ulna, articular, olecranon located in our module on Proximal forearm