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View the Tax Rates, Credit Factors, Credit Rates and RITA Municipal Codes for all RITA Member Municipalities.
Rates of taxation in 2018 ranged from a low of 0.50 percent (eleven municipalities) to a high of 3.00 percent in the City of Bedford and Parma Heights (Cuyahoga). The City of Euclid (Cuyahoga) is the only municipality levying and collecting municipal income taxes for its corresponding school
Downloadable rate table — The Department of Taxation maintains a complete database of municipal income tax rates that is available for download. City of Columbus Income Tax Division — The city of Columbus has compiled a great deal of information on municipal income taxes.
21 maj 2024 · Use The Finder to find local tax rates for sales and use tax, municipal tax, and school district income tax. The Finder, from the Ohio Department of Taxation, provides information on local taxing jurisdictions and tax rates for all addresses in the State of Ohio.
We have information on the local income tax rates in 12 localities in Ohio. You can click on any city or county for more details, including the nonresident income tax rate and tax forms.
This site provides municipal tax information for all addresses in the State of Ohio. Choose one of the following options: Upload Databases - Registered and logged in users may get the appropriate municipal tax rates applied through this secure application.
The Municipal Rate Database Table contains the income tax rate for each Ohio Municipality, if one exists. Access the Municipal Rate Database Table using the Municipality that named the Municipality Address-Level Boundary Database File to locate the correct income tax rate for the Municipality.