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  1. Bar micwa (hebr. ‏בר מצווה‎ „syn przykazania”) – uroczystość żydowska , obchodzona od XIV w. Podczas takiej uroczystości chłopiec żydowski staje się odpowiedzialny za własne czyny i przyjmuje obowiązki religijne dorosłego mężczyzny [1] .

  2. Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah are the Jewish coming-of-age ceremonies that mark the young boy and girl’s transition from childhood to adolescence. It’s a big day for parents, families, young Jewish people, and Jewish communities.

  3. The Bat & Bar Mitzvah ceremony celebrates the link in an unbroken chain of thousands of years of Jewish tradition. The words Bar & Bat Mitzvah literally mean “Son & Daughter of the Mitzvah.” In addition to meaning “commandment” the word Mitzvah also means “connection.”

  4. Ta sama nazwa – bar micwa – funkcjonuje także jako określenie uroczystości przyjęcia chłopca w poczet pełnoprawnych członków żydowskiej wspólnoty wyznaniowej. Obchodzona jest ona w pierwszy szabat po 13. urodzinach.

  5. 14 sty 2024 · The transition to bar or bat mitzvah marks a pivotal moment. It signifies embracing Jewish adulthood, where one's choices significantly impact the world. It's essential to clarify that individuals do not "have" a bar or bat mitzvah; rather, they "become" one.

  6. Colloquially speaking, when people say, "I had a Bar Mitzvah," it means that they had an aliyah to the Torah in synagogue. The reason why the Bar Mitzvah boy receives this privilege is simply to notify the congregation that he is now "obligated in mitzvot" and that he can be counted in a minyan.

  7. 18 sie 2016 · In the two largest Jewish population centers today—North America and Israel—the bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah have been transformed into an elaborate birthday celebration centered on a wasteful party in the spirit of the consumer culture; for most people, the initiatory element is quite marginal and has no real impact on daily life, which ...

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