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  1. Helicopter Combat Support Squadron 2 (HC-2), also known as the "Fleet Angels", was a multi-role helicopter squadron of the United States Navy based at Naval Air Station Jacksonville. The squadron was established on 1 April 1948 and remained active until disestablished on 30 September 1977.

  2. › wiki › NuukNuuk – Wikipédia

    Nuuk (a. m. „a fok”) (korábban dánul: Godthåb, ami jó reményt jelent) Grönland fővárosa és egyben legnagyobb városa. A város az egész évben jégmentes Nuuk-félszigeten, a Godthåbsfjorden torkolatánál fekszik, Grönland délnyugati részén. A város az északi sarkkörtől 240 km-re délre fekszik.

  3. Helicopter Combat Support Squadron 2 (HC-2) were several aviation units of the United States Navy. History: 1 April 1948: established as Helicopter Utility Squadron 2 (HU-2) "Fleet Angels"; 1 July 1965: redesignated HC-2; 30 September 1977: disestablished.

  4. During the late 1950s, HU-2 maintained a number of HUP-2 detachments embarked upon carriers, particularly those of the 6th Fleet. On 1 Jul 1965, HU-2 was re-constituted as Helicopter Combat Support Squadron TWO (HC-2).

  5. Helicopter Combat Support Squadron Two, HC-2 Fleet Angels, US Navy. Bases and helicopter types history (HC-2). USA

  6. Helicopter Combat Support Squadron TWO (HC-2) (previously Helicopter Utility Squadron TWO (HU-2)), also known as the "Fleet Angels", was a multi-role helicopter squadron of the United States Navy based at Naval Air Station Jacksonville. The squadron was established on 1 April 1948 and remained active until disestablished on 30 September 1977.

  7. › Helicopter-Sea-Combat-Squadron-HSC-2 › Command-HistoryCommand History - United States Navy

    In October 1973, HU-2 moved to Jacksonville, Florida. The squadron distinguished itself with many firsts: the medical evacuation helicopter, the first blimp rescue, the first all-weather...

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