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What do we really know about North Korean art and is it possible to fully understand its ideology and subject matter? What do its paintings say to the world?
The 113 North Korean artists in the Imago Mundi project operated in this context characterized by a broad organizational structure. “Men and women, young and old, - summarizes Luciano...
Over 200 North Korean ink artworks (chosunhwa) of theme paintings (juchehua) as well as portraiture and studies from the 1950s to the present.
Koryo Studio works with various North Korean artists to commission original artworks. Here, we introduce some of these North Korean artists as well as present their works.
This exhibition highlights the art form most revered by the regime: ink-and-brush paintings known in North Korea as "josonhwa," or "North Korean art." [Source: Jean Lee, U.S. News and World Report, August 8, 2016]
17 sie 2016 · The unprecedented result, “Contemporary North Korean Art: The Evolution of Socialist Realism” introduced 60 paintings by contemporary North Korean artists to previously unexposed U.S. audiences.
14 sie 2016 · This exhibition, the first of its kind in the US, seeks to broaden understanding of North Korean art beyond stereotypes of propaganda and kitsch to show sophisticated and nuanced expressive achievements.