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The more ambitious guidelines adopted in March 2017 states that the Nobel Foundation should not, within equities or fixed income, invest in companies with business closely related to nuclear weapons. Our current investments have since then been analysed based on these guidelines.
The main mission of the Nobel Foundation is to manage Alfred Nobel’s fortune in a manner that ensures a secure financial standing for the Nobel Prize over the long term and that the prize-awarding institutions are guaranteed independence in their work of selecting recipients.
When it comes to alternative investments, the Nobel Foundation thus applies a somewhat different approach. Today this involves actively searching for new investment opportunities with a desirable ethical and sustainability-related strategy and to exercise investor influence.
19 kwi 2024 · The money for the Nobel Prizes comes from the estate of Alfred Nobel. The capital is invested in "safe securities" per his instructions, and the interest (return) is paid out as prizes.
25 lis 2022 · After repeated applications by the Nobel Foundation, the Swedish government announced that the Nobel Prize would be exempted from tax, while allowing the foundation to invest in the stock market and real estate fields.
10 gru 2021 · Nobel left the majority of his wealth to fund the creation of the Nobel Prize and the Nobel Foundation, which helps to manage the money and ensure the prize’s continuation.
Nobel selflessly contributed HK$27 million (31 million SEK) to set up the Nobel Foundation after his death. Five prizes were established to crown the selected laureates for their outstanding achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, or Peace.