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1 gru 2011 · Nijiiro Days follows the daily lives of four high school boys: the hopeless romantic Natsuki Hashiba, the sadist Keiichi Katakura, the playboy Tomoya Matsunaga, and the smart otaku Tsuyoshi Naoe. Even while constantly struggling in their studies, they spend their days goofing around and having romantic misadventures.
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Nijiiro Days follows the daily lives of four high school...
- Nijiiro Days
Nijiiro Days follows the colorful lives and romantic...
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Nijiiro Days follows the daily lives of four high school...
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MyAnimeList - Interest Stacks - 9 Entries, 1 Restacks
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But on Christmas Eve, the heartbroken Nacchan met someone who has on a Santa uniform?! There's Na-chan, who's bullying, and on the other side Mattsun who's popular. There's also Megumi-chan who's a sadist and Tsuyobon who's an anime otaku.
"Nijiiro Days" follows the daily lives of four high school boys: the hopeless romantic Natsuki Hashiba, the sadist Keiichi Katakura, the playboy Tomoya Matsunaga, and the smart otaku Tsuyoshi Naoe. Even while constantly struggling in their studies, they spend their days goofing around and having romantic misadventures.
31 sty 2022 · Nijiiro Days. Một bên là Na-chan, kẻ chuyên đi bắt nạt và bên kia là Mattsun một người khá nổi tiếng. Ngoài ra còn có Megumi-chan là một sadic và Tsuyobon là một anime otaku.
Đọc truyện Nijiiro Days mới nhất, sơ lược : Cuộc sống học đường vui vẻ, hài hước của 4 thanh niên, và đương nhiên không thể thiếu chuyện tình yêu rồi. Shinobi Squad.
25 maj 2012 · The Nijiiro Days original manga series is written and illustrated by Minami Mizuno, who began publishing it in Shueisha's shōjo magazine Bessatsu Margaret in February 2012. The manga is completed and has been compiled into a total of fifteen tankōbon volumes and 74 chapters (bonus and special...
26 gru 2021 · Nijiiro Days follows the daily lives of four high school boys: the hopeless romantic Natsuki Hashiba, the sadist Keiichi Katakura, the playboy Tomoya Matsunaga, and the smart otaku Tsuyoshi Naoe. Even while constantly struggling in their studies, they spend their days goofing around and having romantic misadventures.