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Nicaragua YP Yellow Pages business directory for Nicaragua in Spanish and English. Search by keyword and location (leave location blank if you want to search countrywide).
Nicaraguan phone books, find people by white pages or email address. Lookup Nicaragua yellow pages, find business addresses or phone numbers.
some phonecodes for Nicaragua: Jinotepe (+505 41) - Managua (+505 ? ) - Matagalpa (+505 6I) Rivas (+505 45) - San Marcos (+505 43)
Locate people by email or search the local phonebook by first name, last name and location. Our free Nicaraguan yellowbook directory enquiries include white pages, yellow pages and email address lookup.
search by Name Linked ... Longitude: 86° 15' 5.04" w Decimal: 12.1366",-86.2514" Managua is the capital and largest city of Nicaragua. It is the xxth largest city of Latin America. ... was founded in 1819. In xx Managua was incorporated as a city. Phone Book of Managua: City Directory Yellow Pages and White Pages Pages Jaunes ...
Páginas Amarillas de Publicar es el directorio más completo de Nicaragua. En nuestra guía de empresas podrá solicitar toda la información comercial de empresas, productos y servicios en Nicaragua.
Looking for someone in Nicaragua? You're in luck – here is a free people search engine that can help you find the person you are looking for.