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  1. British Bechuanaland was a short-lived Crown colony of the United Kingdom that existed in southern Africa from its formation on 30 September 1885 until its annexation to the neighbouring Cape Colony on 16 November 1895. [1]

  2. An 1887 map showing the Crown colony of Bechuanaland (shaded pink) and the Bechuanaland Protectorate (pink border). This was prior to the extension northward to include Ngamiland in 1890.. The Bechuanaland Protectorate (/ ˌ b ɛ tʃ u ˈ ɑː n ə l æ n d /) was a protectorate established on 31 March 1885 in Southern Africa by the United Kingdom.It became the Republic of Botswana on 30 ...

  3. Le protectorat du Bechuanaland (aussi appelé en français Béchouanaland ou Bétchouanaland britannique) est un protectorat établi le 31 mars 1885, par le Royaume-Uni en Afrique australe. Il donne naissance au Botswana le 30 septembre 1966. Histoire. Effigie du roi George VI sur un timbre émis au Bechuanaland en 1938.

  4. The name “Bechuanaland” means “the country of the Tswana.” For the purpose of administration, Bechuanaland was subdivided into two; the northern portion which was the Bechuanaland Protectorate and the southern portion which was the British Bechuanaland (Crown colony).

  5. Betschuanaland war ein britisches Protektorat auf dem Gebiet des seit 30. September 1966 unabhängigen Staates Botswana. Betschuanaland hatte kurz vor der Unabhängigkeit eine ungefähre Größe von 712.000 km². Extraterritoriale Hauptstadt des Protektorats war Mafeking in Südafrika.

  6. Bechuanaland was a federation of Tswana lands stretching from the territory of the Bangwato in present day Botswana to the Batlhaping area around present day Kimberley, South Africa. The area included large parts of what is now the North West and Northern Cape provinces of South Africa.

  7. This is a list of the commissioners of the Bechuanaland Protectorate, which gained full independence as Botswana in 1966. From 1885 to 1891, the post was known as Deputy Commissioner; from 1891 to 1964 as Resident Commissioner; and from 1964 to independence as Queen's Commissioner. [1]

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