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24 gru 2022 · TIMEDIFF(fromtime, totime): SELECT TIMEDIFF("12:25", "5:45"); If you need a decimal, use TIME_TO_SEC()/3600 (it assumes you passed it seconds, but the format you're storing the times in is vague and SQL probably will interpret them as HH:MM - you can fix this with CONCAT("00:",MinuteSecondField) maybe?) - then you can use TIME_TO_SEC()/60 ...
The TIMEDIFF() function returns the difference between two time/datetime expressions. Note: time1 and time2 should be in the same format, and the calculation is time1 - time2. Syntax
The TIMEDIFF() function returns the difference between two TIME values (time1 - time2) in the format 'HH:MM:SS'. Because the TIMEDIFF() function returns a TIME value, its result is limited to the range allowed for TIME values which are from -838:59:59 to 838:59:59 .
20 mar 2021 · Let us see how we can use the MySQL TIMEDIFF() function to solve this problem. The MySQL TIMEDIFF() function is used to find the difference between two time or datetime values. Let us dive deep and take a look at the syntax before we move on to the examples.
7 wrz 2023 · The function facilitates comparing time values, allowing you to determine which event or action occurred first or lasted longer. Syntax: TIMEDIFF(expr1,expr2)
The MySQL TIMEDIFF() function function returns the difference between two time values, it returns a time value in HH:MM:SS format. If the specified expression is not a valid time or datetime, the TIMEDIFF() function will return NULL .
mysql> SELECT UTC_TIME(), UTC_TIME() + 0; -> '18:07:53', 180753.000000; UTC_TIMESTAMP, UTC_TIMESTAMP([fsp]) Returns the current UTC date and time as a value in 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss' or YYYYMMDDhhmmss format, depending on whether the function is used in string or numeric context.