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I'm trying to connect to the local MySQL server but I keep getting an error. Here is the code. public static void main(String[] args) { Connection conn = null; try { String userName = "myUsername"; String password = "myPassword"; String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myDatabaseName"; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();
27 cze 2016 · First you need to download a mysql driver, next set up some exception catchers arround the connection with the mysql, or throw some exception.
24 kwi 2020 · It is possible that your mysql CLI is connecting via Unix domain socket (as root@localhost) while your Java application attempts to connect via TCP (as [email protected]) but privilege is not granted.
22 lip 2014 · When you do this, MySQL lo longer uses rDNS to resolve> localhost and, since all my GRANTs are for user@localhost, the user isn't allowed to connect from host Two solutions exist for this particular problem: Disable skip-name-resolve; Expand your GRANTs to include as well as localhost
Changed the "bind-address" property in /etc/mysql/my.cnf file to, and it works. Corresponding line in my.cnf looks like this: bind-address =
A "communications link failure" error when using JDBC and MySQL can be caused by several factors. Here are a few potential solutions: Check if the MySQL server is running and reachable.
There are three possible causes for this error: The Connector/J driver is not in your CLASSPATH, see Chapter 4, Connector/J Installation. The format of your connection URL is incorrect, or you are referencing the wrong JDBC driver.