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Myeloid sarcoma, like AML, is a fast-growing cancer that often requires aggressive treatment. It’s difficult to cure, but finding the right therapies can slow myeloid sarcoma’s growth and possible progression to AML, if it’s not already present.
When it comes to rare cancers like sarcomas, you want to choose an experienced treatment team to provide your care. Our experts specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of over 80 types of sarcomas. Home to central Ohio’s only sarcoma clinic, the OSUCCC – James provides a multidisciplinary approach to address your unique treatment needs.
The Sarcoma Alliance maintains a list of medical centers and hospitals specializing in sarcoma. Because sarcomas are rare, it is important to find physicians who have experience with this disease. Below are interactive maps and lists to help you find the one nearest to you.
The experts from the Multidisciplinary Sarcoma Program at The OSUCCC – James, in Columbus, Ohio, partner with providers and researchers nationwide to research and treat all types of sarcoma. Learn more.
Myeloid sarcoma (MS), also known as chloroma (owing to its green color attributed to the enzyme myeloperoxidase), is a pathologic diagnosis for an extramedullary proliferation of blasts of one or more of the myeloid lineages that disrupt the normal architecture of the tissue in which it is found.
What causes myeloid sarcoma? A myeloid sarcoma forms when myeloid cells undergo abnormal changes that cause them to grow and divide uncontrollably. Known as myeloblasts, the excess abnormal cells then build up, bind together and form a tumor.
17 paź 2016 · Myeloid sarcoma is an extramedullary tumor of immature granulocytic cells. It is a rare condition, most often associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), although in some rare cases it may present in nonleukemic patients.