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Pernikahan dalam Islam merupakan akad antara seorang laki-laki dan perempuan untuk terikat dalam perkawinan. Tujuan pernikahan dalam Islam untuk memelihara nasab dari perkara yang diharamkan oleh Allah.Pernikahan dalam Islam bernilai ibadah karena merupakan salah satu perintah Allah. Anjuran untuk menikah dinyatakan oleh Muhammad dengan hadis larangan untuk tidak menikah.
In Islam, adultery is a major sin. In Indonesia, where the majority of the population is Muslim, Islamic law greatly influences the moral attitude and legal awareness of the people. [4] Islam uses a simple marriage tradition, with the aim that a person is not trapped or fallen into adultery.
In Indonesia Muslim weddings are officiated and led by the penghulu, the official of Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA or Office of Religious Affairs). The Akad Nikah might be performed in the Office of Religious Affairs, or the penghulu is invited to a ceremonial place outside the Religious Affair Office (mosque, bride's house or wedding hall).
In Islam, nikah (Arabic: نِكَاح, romanized: nikāḥ) is a contract exclusively between a man and woman. Both the groom and the bride are to consent to the marriage of their own free wills.
Classical documentations divide Indonesian Muslims between "nominal" Muslims, or abangan, whose lifestyles are more oriented toward non-Islamic cultures, and "orthodox" Muslims, or santri, who adhere to the Orthodox Islamic norms.
A wedding is a ceremony in which two people are united in marriage. Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnicities, races, religions, denominations, countries, social classes, and sexual orientations.
29 gru 2020 · Despite having different tribes and groups, Indonesian Muslim has a patent tradition that must be met and fulfilled in a series of weddings. Here is the series of Indonesian muslim wedding ceremony! 1. Ask for Considerations. For a Muslim man, before he decide to marry a woman to be his wife, let him also ask for consideration from his close ...