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  1. Repeats a block of statements while a condition is True or until a condition becomes True. Syntax. Do [{ While | Until} condition] [ statements] [ Exit Do] [ statements] Loop. Or, you can use this syntax: Do [ statements] [ Exit Do] [ statements] Loop [{ While | Until} condition] The Do Loop statement syntax has these parts:

  2. 20 paź 2016 · I need to loop through a form by moving to the next record in the recordset. I am using the Form_Current event to loop thru. I have used a couple of statements and have different outcomes. This one sometimes crashes and gives the error message: "You can't go to the specified record." This one only goes upto 72 records and stops.

  3. 21 sty 2020 · For the first time I encountered an error while using Do until loop on a simple database but on the more complex database its working okay , its very embarrassing to have such issues sure. Where do I go wrong? Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("QryJson") For Each prm In qdf.Parameters. prm = Eval(prm.Name) Next prm.

  4. Do…While/Until loops are necessary if you wish to learn to work with the recordset object in MS Access.

  5. Where looping until (or while) a condition is true is invaluable is when you're reading through the lines of a file. The following code will: Read the file back in until there are no more lines. My reason for showing this example is to illustrate the fact that sometimes looping until/while a condition is true is the only way to go!

  6. 22 sty 2022 · Use Do...Loop statements to run a block of statements an indefinite number of times. The statements are repeated either while a condition is True or until a condition becomes True. There are two ways to use the While keyword to check a condition in a Do...Loop statement.

  7. A DoUntil loop is used when we want to repeat a set of statements as long as the condition is false. The condition may be checked at the beginning of the loop or at the end of loop. Following is the syntax of a Do..Until loop in VBA. [statement 1] [statement 2] ... [statement n] [Exit Do] [statement 1] [statement 2] ... [statement n]