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Mitch Stadium is a baseball field located on the boundary line between the Town of Ceredo and the City of Kenova in West Virginia. It is home to the Ceredo-Kenova Little League and numerous annual community events.
Mitch Stadium - Historical Archives, Ceredo, West Virginia. 839 likes · 2 talking about this. Legendary Mitch Stadium in Ceredo-Kenova, WV! Established in 1955.
Legendary Mitch Stadium has played host to seven previous West Virginia Little League state tournaments, the 2009 Little League Baseball and Softball Southeast Regional Tournaments, the 1968 Divisional Tournament under Little League’s previous tournament format, and is the site of the 9-10 Year-Old Little League Tournament of State Champions ...
Mitch Stadium is a baseball field located on the boundary line between the Town of Ceredo and the City of Kenova in West Virginia. It is home to the Ceredo-Kenova Little League and numerous annual community events.
Mitch Stadium is a baseball field located on the boundary line between the Town of Ceredo and the City of Kenova in West Virginia. It is home to the Ceredo-Kenova Little League and numerous annual community events.
4 gru 2014 · Legendary Mitch Stadium is the home of the Ceredo-Kenova Little League, and has played host to the 2009 Little League Southeastern Regional Tournaments, the 1968 Little League Divisional Tournament, and the 9-10 Year-Old Tournament of State Champions since 2005, bringing 8 southeast state champions to our community every year.
Mitch Stadium is a baseball field located on the boundary line between the Town of Ceredo and the City of Kenova in West Virginia. It is home to the Ceredo-Kenova Little League and numerous annual community events.