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Met Éireann, the Irish National Meteorological Service, is the leading provider of weather information and related services for Ireland.
Get daily weather data from each of our 25 synoptic weather stations across the country including hourly values for temperature, rainfall, pressure, wind speed and direction. The historical climate data is available hourly, daily or monthly for a range of parameters such as precipitation, temperature and wind speed including a free download option.
The resources are presented as fact sheets, quizzes, lesson plans and experiments. They are grouped together under the following categories. Younger Primary Students: this section offers simple descriptions of common weather facts, e.g. sunshine, rainfall, wind, temperature.
This dataset contains monthly elements averaged over a 30 year period for some of our synoptic stations. Values for each month include: temperature variables, relative humidity at 09:00 UTC and 15:00 UTC, sunshine in hours, rainfall variables, wind variables and the mean...
Met Éireann issues National forecasts twice daily, covering parameters such as weather and visibility for the day of issue, along with an Outlook for the following day. This data file contains archived forecasts from 1st June 2014 until 7th March 2024.
24 cze 2024 · Each file contains a year of monthly average grids on a 1km Irish Grid Easting and Northing coordinates, presented in CSV format. The monthly rainfall totals are given in units of millimetres (mm) and minimum, maximum and mean air temperatures are given in degrees Celsius (°C).
The extended range forecast, which includes the monthly and seasonal forecasts, can at times provide an insight into weather patterns in the months ahead. However, they should not be used for specific planning purposes as they have generally low skill compared with the 10-day forecast.