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The Passport Acceptance Facility in San jose, California can be found in the Willow glen station. Passport Acceptance Agents here can review applications for New Passports, Minor Passports, and Replacement of Lost, Stolen or Damaged Passports and seal them into their official envelopes to be processed.
Find contact information for the Willow Glen passport office at 1750 Meridian Ave San Jose CA 95125. Get passport phone number, office hours and street address for the passport location Willow Glen.
Willow Glen Station is a passport office in San Jose, CA. Get hours, directions, phone number contact information, passport renewal forms & more.
Below is a list of places where you can apply for a passport in San Jose, California. Click for reliable expedited passport courier service. You only need to visit a nearby application acceptance facility if you are applying for a new passport. Otherwise, you can send your application by mail.
27 lis 2024 · 1750 Meridian Ave San Jose, California 95125-5545. (408) 723-6134. Depending on the passport office appointments are sometimes required. The usual waiting time in San Jose to get your passport is 7 to 10 weeks for routine applications and 3 to 5 weeks for expedited applications from the Willow Glen Station. Passport Forms.
15 kwi 2021 · Are you looking to apply for a new U.S. passport, renew a passport, or have questions about international travel? Visit one of your local San Jose, California passport offices for passport services and answers to your travel questions & needs!
San Jose California passport office and application guide: 4 passport acceptance agents for passport renewal, new US Passport application and passport photos.