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MSC Direct offers quality Idler Pulleys at a great value. Find premium products to last a lifetime!
High-performance pulleys designed for use with a Prusik friction hitch to build a light progress capture system. The shape of the side plates allows the knot to be released when it comes against the pulley.
MEGA chat: bezpieczny czat tekstowy, głosowy i wideo. MEGA Chat zapewnia bezpieczną komunikację z szyfrowaniem end-to-end dla przeglądarek internetowych i aplikacji mobilnych (Android i iOS).
When it comes to 16 in V-Belt Pulleys, you can count on Grainger. Supplies and solutions for every industry, plus easy ordering, fast delivery and 24/7 customer support.
Shop standard & metric V-belt pulleys with a pin hub & single groove manufactured from 303 stainless steel or die cast zinc alloy - special sizes on request.