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6 dni temu · Today on Medscape : Get the latest medical news, clinical trial coverage, drug updates, journal articles, CME activities & more on Medscape. A free resource for physicians. News & Perspective
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Against a growing prevalence of obesity, recognized experts...
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Allergy & Clinical Immunology : Welcome to Medscape Allergy...
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Anesthesiology : Welcome to Medscape Anesthesiology, where...
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Nurses : Welcome to Medscape Nurses, where you can peruse...
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Gastroenterology : Welcome to Medscape Gastroenterology,...
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Cardiology : Welcome to | Medscape Cardiology,...
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1 wrz 2020 · o Platformi za kontinuiranu medicinsku edukaciju MedScape na kome su dostupna 4 Online testa KME-a koja su akreditovana sa po 5 poena za lekare. Ukupan broj bodova koji mozete da ostvarite resavanjem sva 4 testa je 20. Link platforme je, testovi su dostupni do marta 2021.
Find free Continuing Medical Education (CME) activities on Medscape Education. MedscapeCME offers free CME activities for physicians and other health professionals.
5 dni temu · Tests are required for CME/CE credit; they include multiple choice questions, answers, and an evaluation after the test has been submitted. Answer the questions on the test and click "Submit."
24 wrz 2022 · Poštovane koleginice i kolege, ovim putem vas obaveštavam da: 1) na Platformi za kontinuiranu medicinsku edukaciju MedScape su dostupna 2 Online testa KME-a koja su akreditovana sa po 5 poena za lekare. Ukupan broj bodova koji mozete da ostvarite resavanjem sva 2 testa je 10.
2 dni temu · Learn to recognize, diagnose, and assess muscular dystrophies. Can you recognize and manage CKD–associated pruritus effectively? Can you integrate appropriate use of rhythm control strategies in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF)? The Medsims Experience. A user-friendly simulation powered by sophisticated, AI-driven technology.
14 wrz 2023 · Thus, the shared primary diagnostic criterion is the 2-hour plasma glucose level ≥ 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) during a 75-g OGTT. Capillary whole-blood measurements are not recommended for the...