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Mark is the Gospel of youth; it is so brief, so vivid, so stirring, so strong; and these same qualities adapt the story to the active, restless, vigorous spirit of the whole modern world.
These questions will help you study the Bible for yourself. The starter questions are designed to encourage you to look at the text and see for yourself what the chapter is telling you.
Read the introduction to the study of Mark. Study the Mark chapter for this lesson, by reading the verses and studying the notes. Be sure to read any other Bible passages that are called out in the notes. Before taking the Quiz, Review all of the notes in the Mark lesson.
Bible Study Lessons – Here you’ll find a generous selection of free printable Bible studies with study guides, questions, and written assignments. Free Online Bible Study – As the name implies, they have a large variety of printable Chapter Studies that are perfect for use in small group settings.
Bible Study The Book of Mark Chapter 6 Jesus Return to Nazareth In the 6th chapter of Mark, Jesus returns to his hometown of Nazareth, and he faces rejection from his native land. John the Baptist is beheaded, and Jesus performs another miracle. Objectives: To understand how to deal with rejection.
Download and print from Joyful Meditations Ministries: Bible-themed children's worksheets provided by Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa
The Gospel according to Mark is considered by most scholars to be the first written of the four Gospels. It is the shortest of the four. Mark begins with the baptism of Jesus and concludes with the Resurrection, leaving out the birth and post-Resurrection events. Mark and the Other Gospels