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  1. › wiki › MariupolMariupol - Wikipedia

    During the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine of 2022, Mariupol was a strategic target for Russian forces and their proxies. [60] It came under artillery bombardment the day the invasion began, [61] and was placed under siege by Russian forces. [62]

    • Siege

      Mariupol is located in Ukraine's Donetsk Oblast, and...

  2. Mariupol (w latach 1948–1989 Żdanow, ukr. Маріуполь, ros. Mариуполь) – miasto we wschodniej części Ukrainy, w obwodzie donieckim, położone nad Morzem Azowskim, nad Zatoką Taganroską, u ujścia Kalmiusu. Jest portem morskim i stolicą rejonu mariupolskiego.

  3. 3 dni temu · The NZZ is tracking the main events of the Ukraine war on an interactive map. The day-by-day overview allows readers to see how the war is developing.

  4. 9 cze 2023 · Ukraine has launched major attacks against invading Russian forces at multiple points of the southern and eastern front lines this week, the apparent beginning of a long-planned counteroffensive...

  5. Mariupol is a city in southeastern Ukraine on the north coast of the Sea of Azov, and at the mouth of the Kalmius. With a population of 432,000 in 2021, it was the tenth largest city in Ukraine before the Russian invasion of 2022, and the second largest in the Donetsk Oblast. Photo: Oleksandr Malyon, CC BY-SA 4.0. Photo:, CC BY-SA 4.0.

  6. Mariupol is located in Ukraine's Donetsk Oblast, and following the siege, it was initially controlled by the Donetsk People's Republic, supported by occupying Russian troops.

  7. Russian forces put the people of Mariupol through a horrific months-long siege, before finally capturing it last May. I eventually found three residents willing to speak to me at length: a local...

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