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  1. › wiki › KumasiKumasi - Wikipedia

    Kumasi is a commercial, economic, and trading hub in Ghana, home to the biggest market in West Africa: the Kejetia Market. The city is the centre of Asante culture, hence also being nicknamed "Osei-Krom" or simply "Oseikrom", along with attracting many visitors.

  2. Kumasi – stolica regionu Aszanti w Ghanie, znajdująca się na południu kraju, około 250 km na północny zachód od Akry. Z powodu zróżnicowanej roślinności znana jest jako miasto ogród. Około 32 kilometrów na południe leży największe naturalne jezioro w Ghanie, Bosumtwi.

  3. The Kumasi Metropolitan is about 270 km north of the Accra, which is the national capital of Ghana, 120 km south east of Sunyani the capital of the Bono Region and it is located between Latitude 6.35° N and 6.40° S and Longitude 1.30° W and 1.35° E and elevated 250 to 300 meters above sea level. [4]

  4. It is a vibrant city and the cultural cradle of Ghana. Kumasi is famous for its vast Kejetia market, the largest in West Africa, and for the traditional Asante buildings of the region, which are on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

  5. The largest city and capital of Ashanti is Kumasi. [5] The Ashanti Region is located in the middle belt of Ghana. It lies between longitudes 0.15W and 2.25W as well as latitudes 5.50N and 7.46N.

  6. › wiki › KumasiKumasi – Wikipedia

    Kumasi (früher Coomassie, auch Kumase) ist die Hauptstadt der Ashanti Region in Ghana und seit Anfang des Jahres 2014 die größte Stadt des Landes. In der Region wohnen in einem Radius von etwa 30 bis 35 Kilometern um die Stadt rund 2,5 Millionen Menschen.

  7. Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly is one of the 261 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies in Ghana. It forms part of the forty-three districts in Ashanti Region , Ghana with Kumasi being its administrative capital.

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