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MYFutureJobs is the Malaysian National Employment portal for all job seekers and employers. MYFutureJobs uses AI-technology and validated matching algorithm to provide the most accurate job match based on skills and competencies of jobseekers. Search for a job now and get instant job matches!
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- Career Fair
MyGoverment adalah portal untuk mewujudkan satu gerbang Perkhidmatan dalam talian kerajaan yang berpaksikan rakyat dan merupakan gerbang tunggal kerajaan.
From 2024, job seekers can apply for positions offered by Ministries and Government Agencies under the My Short Term Employment Program (MySTEP) exclusively through the MYFutureJobs Portal. 1. Account Registration: The first step in the application process is to register an account on the MYFutureJobs Portal.
Employers are conditioned encouraged to post their vacancies on the National Employment Portal, and apply for the Hiring Incentives upon successful placements through this single platform.
The MYFutureJobs portal is powered by an advanced AI technology that matches your vacancies to the right jobseeker based on your requirements. The MYFutureJobs portal consists of 3 portals – Candidate Portal, Employer Portal and Case Management Portal. The Employer Portal provides a wide range of services for employers seeking the best
17 sty 2024 · Bagi pencari kerja, pendaftaran di portal MyFuture Jobs ini boleh meningkatkan peluang prospek kerjaya masa depan anda. Berikut adalah cara daftar MyFutureJobs bagi pencari kerja: Untuk mendaftar, anda perlu melengkapkan butiran diri anda di laman web berikut:
Open to all emploers in need of jobseekers, the Employer Portal is mandatory for employers applying to hire foreign workers, in the effort to localise the Malaysian Workforce.