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  1. 5 sty 2023 · Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan jenis gaya bahasa yang terdapat dalam lirik lagu Christina Aguilera dalam album Back to Basics. Metode penelitian yang digunakan...

  2. Then why can't I paint you? Then where am I to go? “If” is a song written by American singer-songwriter David Gates in 1971. Originally popularized by his group Bread, “If” charted at No. 4...

  3. Makna pada setiap lirik lagu Cristina Aguilera membuat penulis tertarik untuk meneliti gaya bahasa yang terkandung dalam album Back To Basics. Sebagai contoh, pada lagu yang berjudul...

  4. Who sang If? Bread released the song If. Date of release: 1971. What is If about? The protagonist sings about how difficult it is to express his feelings for his partner through words and pictures. He imagines being with her all the time, even if it were impossible.

  5. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya 10 jenis gaya bahasa dalam teks lagu Back Number. 10 jenis gaya bahasa itu adalah repetisi, oksimoron, personifikasi, paradoks, pertanyaan retorikal, simile, sinestesia, metafora, onomatope, dan antitesis.

  6. This acoustic ballad is one of Bread's trademark tunes. The band's keyboardist David Gates said: "I wrote that one night at the dining room table, after my kids and my wife had gone to bed. It took me about an hour and a half, with an extra verse left over.

  7. Then where am I to go? You're all that's left me too. You come and pour yourself on me. I'd be with you. Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way. I'd spend the end with you. Thanks! Bread If lyrics: If a picture paints a thousand words, / Then why can't I paint you? / Th...

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