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Create spectacular Album Covers for your EP or CD with free editable templates. Customize your CD Cover Images in minutes for free.
Free Download this CD Cover Template Design in Word Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.'s Free CD Cover Template will be the ultimate solution for your disc packaging needs.
CD covers can be fun to make on your own and are a great homemade gift to go along with a mix CD. Microsoft Word provides a number of CD cover templates you can use to get started. The templates will have the correct size and format for the CD cover set-up, so you don't need to worry about that.
W tej bibliotece znajdziesz kilka opcji, które pomogą Ci stworzyć użyteczną etykietę na opakowanie CD, opisującą zawartość Twoich płyt CD. Szablony ułatwiają tworzenie listy utworów na płycie audio CD lub opisywanie plików zapisanych na płycie CD z archiwum danych.
Download’s Free CD Cover Templates and Get Cool, Creative Art Designs for Front and Back Covers. Choose Customizable Samples for Pop, Rap, or Rock Covers That You Can Download for Free!
With Word templates, anyone can make CD covers regardless of their desktop publishing skills. Custom CD covers can give your homemade CDs a professional appearance and can be created in as little as a few minutes.
Making a CD cover with Adobe Express is intuitive, quick, and easy. With a few clicks, you can easily select a template, customize, and publish direct to social media. Customize your template by adding images, filters, text, backgrounds, borders, call to action buttons, and more.