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  1. For more than 100 years the word Shell, our pecten emblem and distinctive red and yellow colours have visualised the Shell brand and promoted our values and the quality of our products and services all over the world.

  2. For more than 100 years the word Shell, our pecten emblem and distinctive red and yellow colours have visualised the Shell brand and promoted our values and the quality of our products and services all over the world.

  3. Logo Shell adalah salah satu simbol komersial paling familiar di dunia. Logo ini dikenal dengan nama "pecten", yang diambil dari nama salah satu spesies kerang, yakni Pecten maximus.

  4. › wiki › Shell_plcShell plc - Wikipedia

    The Shell logo is one of the most familiar commercial symbols in the world. This logo is known as the "pecten" after the sea shell Pecten maximus (the giant scallop), on which its design is based.

  5. 19 sty 2017 · Logo Shell telah mengalami beberapa modifikasi, namanya pertama kali di adaptasi pada tahun 1891 sebagai perusahan minyak tanah, barang-barang antik dan kerang oriental. Kemudian, logo pertama Shell ini diperkenalkan pada 1901 dan berbentuk kerang.

  6. We are a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies with an average of 86,000 employees in more than 70 countries. We use advanced technologies and take an innovative approach to help build a sustainable energy future.

  7. We are a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies with an average of 86,000 employees in more than 70 countries. We use advanced technologies and take an innovative approach to help build a sustainable energy future.

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