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  1. Okeechobee Livestock Market is located in South Florida, and is one of oldest and largest "sale barns" in the entire southeastern US continent. We have live cattle auctions every Monday &...

  2. Today's Live Cattle prices with latest Live Cattle charts, news and Live Cattle futures quotes.

  3. › markets › statesFlorida Cattle Prices

    Weekly price range of 600-700 lb feeder steers across the state of Florida.

  4. 11 sie 2023 · - This week in the markets – Live fed cattle prices were up nearly $1.00 on the week, and feeder cattle prices were $1.00 to $5.00 higher this week. October live cattle were down $1.85...

  5. Comprehensive Cattle Market Information & News.

  6. 3 dni temu · Live Cattle Price: Get all information on the Price of Live Cattle including News, Charts and Realtime Quotes.

  7. Market coverage will resume the week of December 2, 2024. Compared to one week ago: Slaughter classes mostly steady. Feeder classes 2.00 to 5.00 higher. Replacement cows fully steady. Year to date receipts totaled 300,013 compared to 331,475 a year ago.

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