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Metagame usage and win rates, top decklists, and matchup statistics.
Metagame and deck statistics from major Pokémon TCG tournaments. Latest Updates: LAIC • Sacramento • SV8a
Metagame usage and win rates, top decklists, and matchup statistics.
4 lis 2016 · Free Steam Games Pre-installed for PC with direct download links. Get access to our wide selection of games and many different categories.
Metagame and deck statistics from major Pokémon TCG tournaments.
Deck Builder app for the Pokémon TCG and One Piece Card Game. Build your decks, organize them in folders, and save them locally or to your account. Includes advanced search, card prices, image exports, playtesting, and more!
Deck Builder app for the Pokémon TCG and One Piece Card Game. Build your decks, organize them in folders, and save them locally or to your account. Includes advanced search, card prices, image exports, playtesting, and more!