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Dictionaries of the Taiwanese language and related dialects Names in this bibliography are listed alphabetically, with Chinese names transcribed in the Hanyu Pinyin system of romanisation for Mandarin.
The best resources for how to learn Taiwanese online. Top rated books, websites and audio for learning Taiwanese Hokkien.
Just a beginner here, but I am currently learning at a school abroad sponsored by Taiwan's OCAC. The book they picked for the curriculum is '五百字說華語 / Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words' (ISBN: 978-986-05-8503-2). You can get it for free as a PDF online (but you need to make a free account).
According to the Taiwan Benchmarks for the Chinese Language (TBCL), we have developed new Mandarin learning materials for overseas adult learners with minimal proficiency from different fields. The content of the materials incorporates basic daily conversations for adults.
Outside of class, students have rich opportunities to practice reading Chinese characters and speaking Mandarin with the friendly people of Taiwan. Comprehensive Chinese language instruction will give you a well-grounded understanding of the language and strong communication skills.
Spoken Hokkien is a modern functional beginner’s e-textbook with audio material for learners of Hokkien. It aims to equip learners with the ability to take part in basic to intermediate everyday conversation in Hokkien for visiting or living in Taiwan.
Taiwanese language resources in English, Japanese, and Chinese (Mandarin). This book is for native Taiwanese speakers who live overseas who are unfamiliar with Chinese characters who may want to cultivate the learning of their mother tongue. This is accomplished by learning how to read and write Taiwanese Romanization.