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Want to count to a billion in Italian? Who doesn't? Italian numbers follow a simple pattern, and are close enough to their English counterparts to make you go, "Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?". This lesson shows you how to make all the numbers you probably need.
- Months of The Year
This isn't a typo! Months aren't capitalized in Italian....
- Days of The Week in Italian
Mildly interesting fact: In Italian days of the week and...
- Numbers in Italian
This beginners-level Italian lesson will teach you how to...
- The Family
The Family - Free Online Italian Lessons (+ audio) - The...
- Definite Articles
Don't be discouraged! Italian is still one of the easiest...
- Ere Verbs
Prendere (to take) is like the George Clooney of verbs.Very...
- Months of The Year
Learn the Italian numbers with Lo Studio Italiano! Online exercises with audio for learners on all levels. Advanced learning tools that allow you to progress gradually and in your own tempo.
This beginners-level Italian lesson will teach you how to count to one million in Italian, complete with slow audio demonstration from an Italian speaker.
4 free lessons to learn Italian with vocabulary as audio and text - 56 beginner topics, 58 intermediate topics to learn
Learn Italian online with these free A1 Beginner/Elementary Italian exercises. Choose grammar, vocabulary or listening practice. No registration or login!
The free Italian beginners course A1.1 is perfect to start learning Italian! Grammar, vocabulary, communication and more.
Learn numbers and counting in Italian language. List of words with audio and fun online interactive game for kids and adults. Ordinal and cardinal numbers education resource.